Ewan mulligan

Theatre Maker & Creative

Ewan Mulligan (They/Them) is a theatre maker and creative from Lancashire, currently based in London.


Ewan trained in theatre directing at Royal Holloway, under the guidance of Katie Mitchell. They are interested in creating work that is comic, subversive, and experimental. They work in a way that is highly collaborative and playful, using exercises and improvisation to explore ideas present throughout text both new and old.

Ewan is currently available for freelance directing, assistant directing, and dramaturgy work.


Ewan has performed on streets and stages across the UK, having worked with theatre companies, drag houses, art collectives, and devising companies. Alongside performing they also often provide musical direction and live accompaniment, frequently improvising scores live.

Ewan is currently seeking representation and freelance performance work, both as an actor and a musician.


Ewan has worked as a facilitator and educator at universities, festivals, and youth theatres. Leading workshops for participants across a broad range of ages. Having trained across a variety of disciplines Ewan is able to deliver workshops on a number of performance practices, ranging from classical acting to progressive clowning. These workshops can be tailored to the needs of each company of performers, and are available on a flexible basis.